Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY)
Maryland Leadership Seminar
May 27-29, 2011
Mount St. Mary's University
Emmitsburg, MD

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Halfway Home

As we enter December, we're now about halfway through the HOBY calendar year:  6 months from the last seminar, 6 months to MLS 2011.   We also have just hit another halfway point:  We reached 50% of our recruitment goal of 201 students.  Team Alumni applications are out; facilitator applications will be coming soon. Program has started moving and kicking into full gear.

To think about it though, this is also in it's own way dangerous to our goals.  December is filled with a month of thoughts of holidays, giving, family, and community.  While these are things we hold dear in HOBY, it becomes easy to become "distracted" by our "real lives" and all the responsibilities we have this time of year, places to be, and things to do.  

My philosophy?  Try to make the HOBY message the holiday message and vice versa; bring the two together.  They are certainly not so mutually exclusive.  And in that sense, by doing one, we can accomplish hopefully both, for the improved fulfillment of both.  Because in my mind, it would not be wrong to say that most HOBY days are just as good as most holidays.


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