Any alumnus of HOBY Team Alumni could tell you our operations motto: "Hurry up, and wait." It's funny how true that is as the calendar year renews that feeling. From the quiet and lack of activity of December, January is now back at us in full swing. The expression speaks to how as a Team Alumni you often are faced with about a dozen things that all need to be done at once intermixed with periods of relative quiet and relaxation.
This past weekend we had our Winter Alumni reunion. A group of alumni gathered in Phoenix, MD to meet for some social time and to spend some time with a major disabilities advocate, Dave Ward. Mr. Ward has a high spinal cord injury, that he's lived with for 35 years, and yet still works tirelessly on behalf of those with disabilities. His talk with us was inspirational and motivating.
By today, Team Alumni applications are to be in the mail. I'm always amused at the bit of procrastination that I know goes into these. So many ambassadors from last year tell me they want to be on TA, and then the actual application time comes and they wait to the last minute. If nothing else, I find it's a good exercise in prioritization as these same young people will be applying to colleges soon enough and they'll need this experience of managing their deadlines.
On a more personal note, Thursday I'll be travelling to Dallas, TX to meet in person with the Strategic Planning Committee. The SPC will be reporting in the work of our various sub-committees and hopefully hashing out the details of the actual strategic plan. There are tons of good ideas coming in from the field and from our volunteers and alumni, and I see good things in our future. At very least, I have been pleased with the receptiveness by International to the improvements my subcommittee and I have been suggesting, and as my subcommittee is technology, we have been able to already start putting many of these ideas into action. Progress is not always immediate, but it does happen.
Then, in but a short two weeks, the Maryland Seminar Committee will be meeting once again to discuss where we are in planning for the May seminar. Details will come to light with program, arranged speakers, and areas where we still need help.
And then, in perhaps what has been the most exciting big piece of news this year, we have recently come to agreement with Mount St. Mary's University for our increased partnership. While I'll continue to play coy and not speak to specifics until I reveal them to the committee, let me just say the Mount is definitely doing plenty within its power to show it's full support of the HOBY program. Between campus resources, facilities, and general institutional support, The Mount is certainly trying to make us feel more welcome and part of campus. I'm excited for what the year will bring.
Like I said, "Hurry up and wait." May will be here before we know it.
What it means to be Generous
5 years ago
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