Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY)
Maryland Leadership Seminar
May 27-29, 2011
Mount St. Mary's University
Emmitsburg, MD

Friday, September 10, 2010

Call for Volunteers

As we begin each seminar year, one of the first challenges that is faced is the "Call for Volunteers."  It is not that there aren't a lot of people out there who aren't willing to help HOBY, its a matter of getting them to recognize they can contribute, and helping them find the best opportunity for their skill set combined with their interest.

Often, our young, particularly first-year, alumni are the most enthusiastic about helping out the seminar.  Unfortunately, their interest is counter-balanced by their lack of understanding about just how challenging a seminar is to put together.  On the other side, our veteran staff have a deep seated love for the organization, but are often hesitant to get overly involved because of their other commitments in their lives.  I understand this, and even sympathize, but I always hope they will recognize there are many small tasks they can contribute to.

Currently, we have three significant volunteer opportunities:  Recruitment, Career Lunch, and Treasurer.  It would be great to find individuals who are willing to take these on as the "Director" role.  But, I'm realistic.  Most people don't want that title, and frankly, I'm not asking anyone to take it on -- at least yet. :)  The reality is, I'd just like to find a few more people to contribute to these areas.  You don't have to the Director of Recruitment, you just have to be willing to make a handful of phone calls.  You don't have to be the Director of the Career Lunch -- you just have to recruit a few tables.  You don't have to... oh wait; you do have to be the Treasurer or not at all. :)

I'll be posting about these opportunities in the future but in the meantime, ask yourself how you might contribute.  Taking on one small task, and believe me, there are many, helps our organization out enormously. No matter what you are good at, or interested in, I promise you, we have a place for you.

You can sign up to help volunteer at:


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