Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY)
Maryland Leadership Seminar
May 27-29, 2011
Mount St. Mary's University
Emmitsburg, MD

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The First Registration

And the envelope goes to...

Georgetown Prep

First of all, I'm very excited that registration has already begun.  It means the process is working, schools are getting the information, and we are working towards our goal.  However, as LSC, the question I must ask is -- what is it that Prep gets that perhaps other schools don't?  What about the HOBY message got them to buy in that they registered so quickly?  We didn't even get a chance to give them a phone call -- that's how much they bought in.  If I could just bottle up that thought and message and distribute it to the 350 schools across the state, my job would be easy.  I know my own love and passion for HOBY, but it's not that.  It's creating that love and passion in our participants so they go back to their schools and make it happen for each new class of sophomores.  It is the challenge we face each and every year.


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