Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY)
Maryland Leadership Seminar
May 27-29, 2011
Mount St. Mary's University
Emmitsburg, MD

Friday, October 29, 2010

From "Not Working" to Networking

I've mentioned briefly that in addition to my LSC duties, this year I'm working on HOBY International's Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) looking at putting in a new strategic plan beginning in 2011.  So first, a bit of very abbreviated background.

Since the late 90's I always felt like HOBY MD's own web presence was sparse.  In turn, I got involved more heavily with Maryland by working with that year's seminar chair to start creating a website.   As things have evolved, and as I have always been tech savvy, I have always felt like HOBY was behind the curve when it came to technology.  While I have not been able to necessarily influence International, I made sure I did my best to keep Maryland up with the times.  This has most recently included building a Facebook Fan Page and Twitter account.

At Training Institute this past summer, due to circumstances that don't need to be recounted, it became apparent to the powers that be at International that I had significant background in this arena.  Unbeknownst to me at that time the SPC was just being formed, and it was there that I was formally invited to join it.

My immediate response was to draft a list of possibilities in the technology and social media arena that HOBY could and in most cases should be pursuing.  Amongst these was the development of the International Facebook and Twitter presence.

I began to work behind the scenes attempting to get a hold of someone at Facebook.  Try it for yourself: it's extremely difficult.  There are no phone numbers you can call, no emails to write to.  Only forms that can potentially be filled out regarding concerns.  I tried this approach for more than two months with little headway.  At the same time I began working with International to try and figure out who would be the right people to work with on this project.

In a bit of serendipity, last night I should happen to have a private scheduled call with the head of the SPC. Almost at the same time that began, I got an email back from International tracking down my potential leads on assistance.  One person happened to work at Facebook.  No sooner did I email her than within two minutes got a response phone call, passionate to assist.  From more than 2 months to 2 minutes, immediately making an impact.  Imagine.

What is somewhat ironic about this situation is that a few of my HOBY friends already knew the alum working at Facebook, and knew she worked there.  However,  I did not know this, although I actually might have met her at Training Institute 2009.  Go figure.  In my mind it speaks to the need for what we are doing itself.  That we will need this technology to help us bridge these gaps between volunteers, alumni, and all around.

After an hour long discussion that was filled with good conversation, agreement, and positive messages, we were and are very clearly moving forward with momentum.  We are now in the midst of trying to link up all the various affiliate web presences, Facebook and otherwise.   It will be a unique undertaking for our volunteers, but hopefully will also be a huge leap forward.  It makes me very excited for the weeks and months ahead.


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